A directory of web services for music discovery
(Most recent update: May 24, 2006)
In this 'web 2.0' world, people like to make mashups by making a web app that combines the data of two or more web services (note this shouldn't be confused with music mashups). There are plenty of music sites out there that provide public APIs that can be used for all sorts of purposes (for MIR researchers looking for music data, for web 2.0 developers trying to make the next killer music app, or the hobbyist, just for doing fun things). Here are some of my favorites:
In this 'web 2.0' world, people like to make mashups by making a web app that combines the data of two or more web services (note this shouldn't be confused with music mashups). There are plenty of music sites out there that provide public APIs that can be used for all sorts of purposes (for MIR researchers looking for music data, for web 2.0 developers trying to make the next killer music app, or the hobbyist, just for doing fun things). Here are some of my favorites:
- Amazon web services - a great place to go to collect all sorts of music metadata, including album art, editorial and customer reviews, track lists, popularity, similar items, release dates and all that. It is possible to crawl through the amazon catalog and collect information on thousands and thousands of CDs (and books and DVDs for that matter) in the course of a week or so (Amazon does request that you limit your requests to no more than one per second).
- MusicMobs - MusicMobs is playlist sharing and social tagging / recommendation music site. The site is built entirely on top of its public webservices API. This means that anything that MusicMobs can do with their data, you can do to. The have services for getting playlists, finding info about different artists, exploring the social tags applied by users. The documentation is not necessarily up-to-date but Toby (the site operator) is always ready to help.
- MusicStrands - MusicStrands is a social recommendation / discovery site. They've just released their first public version of OpenStrands, their web services API. This API includes catalog, recommendation playlist, tagging and community services (and it's free to registered users).
- last.fm - last.fm is probably the 'king' of the social recommenders out there. Last.fm (via AudioScrobbler) provides an API for getting user, artist, tag and group data. Here's an example of using the similar artists service.
- MusicBrainz - MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase. They provide web services for all of the information in the database including artists, albums and tracks. MusicBrainz establishes a unique MusicBrainz ID for each track in its database (using MusicDNS fingerprinting technology).
- MusicDNS - which is run MusicIP (formerly Predixis) provides a music fingerprinting service that works with MusicBrainz.
- Rhapsody.com - Rhapsody is a music subscription service. The provide a number of RSS feeds that report top artists and albums as well as new releases, links to album art, track IDs (useful for playing the audio)
- WebJay (now part of yahoo). A playlist sharing site. Webjay provides APIs for creating, modifying and retrieving playlists.
- AOL Music- AOL music provides RSS feeds for their 'charts' such as the top songs, aritst, albums and playlists.
- Mp3Tunes
- Mp3Tunes is a music locker, a place for people to store their music
online so they can access it anywhere (at home, at work, on vacation),
without needing to carry it. They also have an index of about
50,000 songs that are freely available on the net (called sideload.com). The API allows for the syncing and streaming of music (to and from the locker). Added 5/24/06.
Album Cloud
Artist Cloud
Artist Gradient
Google Homepage Widget
Posted by Toby on May 21, 2006 at 04:40 PM EDT #
Posted by TheGiant on May 23, 2006 at 03:22 PM EDT #
Posted by Gideon Marken on May 24, 2006 at 01:18 PM EDT #