At the Sphinx-4 website you will find ZipCity, a WebStart demonstration of Sphinx-4, the speech recognition system written entirely in the Java programming language. This WebStart application is a simple demonstration that will recognize spoken zip codes and display the associated city and state. The really neat thing about this WebStart demo is that it includes an entire speech recognition system as well as all of the necessary acoustic models for digit recognition (all in about 2.5MB). This may be the first ever speech recognizer that is deployed with a single click!


Unfortunately, it doesn't work. The WebStart app doesn't run and downloading the distribution and trying to run the ZipCity demo results in a "Error: javax/speech/recognition/GrammerException" on my Mac w/ Java 1.4.2_03. The documentation doesn't mention this error.

Posted by Me on June 03, 2004 at 10:58 PM EDT #

The instructions for installing JSAPI are under "Building" the software. It should be listed after downloading because you have to do it to run the demo too.

Posted by Me on June 03, 2004 at 11:11 PM EDT #

Well ... indeed there was a bug in our deploy script that was leaving a critical file out of the webstart zipcity jar. Apparently my webstart cache was a bit too sticky so when I was testing I was really testing an older version. Anyway, the webstart version is fixed and tested (really), so give it another shot (and thanks for the feedback).

Posted by Paul on June 04, 2004 at 06:17 AM EDT #

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