It's inevitible. Your eating lunch, not bothering anyone, when one of your kids starts sing "it's a small world".  Eight hours later, the wretched tune is still going through your head, driving you to the brink of madness.  You have an earworm.

There's a simple cure.  The site Maim that Tune, offers a free service guaranteed to rid you of that pesky earworm.  Their approach is simple and effective.  They simply infect you with another more malignant earworm that eliminates the current infection.  Of course there's the risk that the new earworm will take up residence in your skull, but there's a cure for that ... just vist 'maim that tune' again to get an even more virilent strain ... soon you'll be visiting Maim that Tune every day to get your daily replacement Earworm.


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