Freakomendations - MyStrands
Here's an unusual recommendation from MyStrands,
but in a good way, not a bad way. While I was listening to some Aphex
Twin I checked the MyStrands application to see what they recommended.
MyStrands evidently didn't have enough data to give a good
recommendation, and so they told me that - they didn't blindly give me a
bad recommendation, they recommended something popular, but they also
told me that they were punting on a specific recommendation.

Why didn't they recommend a song from the most popular (Aphex Twin) similar artist, then? Or the most 'electronic' one?
I mean, U2's not even in the list of AT similar artists... []
Posted by Oscar on April 30, 2008 at 10:37 PM EDT #
Thanks Paul. But as a point of minor clarification, that's not just a "here's something popular", it is more general recommendation based on your listening history.
Posted by Jason Herskowitz on May 01, 2008 at 12:55 AM EDT #