I writing a little web app using the nifty Google Web Toolkit (it is a really nice bit of work) when I received a very troubling warning from the GWT compiler  - I was using Java 1.5 language features (in particular, Generics) while the GWT only supports Java 1.4.  This was going to be a real big problem, since I was hooking the web app to the AST Search Engine which uses Java 1.5 features in its interface.  This could be a deal breaker.  But I soldiered on, thinking that if I confined my 1.5 code to the server side (where I was interacting with the search engine), but kept the client and any Java code that was to be shipped over a wire in 1.4 things might work - and sure enough it did. So if you are considering GWT, don't be put off by the Java 1.4 restrictions - once you are running on the server, you can use 1.5 to your heart's content.  

Thanksfully, Java 5 support will be in a future version of GWT (probably not in GWT 1.4 though): http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=168

Posted by Guillaume Carré on March 06, 2007 at 07:09 AM EST #

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