Over at techcruch I see that iLike has added YouTube videos to their website.  Click on a song and you not only get the option to preview an audio clip or buy the song from iTunes or Amazon - you can now watch a related YouTube video.  That's pretty cool. I think these sorts of things really help the music exploration process. 

I wonder, however, if iLike has made an arrangement with YouTube. Their usage of YouTube videos seems to violate the YouTube terms of service:

YouTube provides an "Embeddable Player" feature, which you may incorporate into your own personal, non-commercial websites for use in accessing the materials on the Website, provided that you include a prominent link back to the YouTube website on the pages containing the Embeddable Player.
IANAL but it would seem to me that iLike's site is a commercial website (presumably they are making money - perhaps via iTunes/Amazon referrals) which would violate the non-commerial TOS (nevermind that they don't have the prominent link back to YouTube).  So perhaps they have a commercial arrangement with YouTube - or perhaps they are just hoping to fly under YouTube's radar. 



flying under the radar VERSUS commercial agreements, this is really the essence about the web2.0-mashup-thing, a lot of our ideas which would offer cool services rely heavily on re-using,re-shaping exiting "microcontents" by some "AI-sugar" on top ... what about your flickr-agreement for your recent mashup???

Posted by Stephan on November 09, 2006 at 10:04 AM EST #

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