ISMIR - Day 4
Some highlights from ISMIR day 4:
- Masataka Goto Masataka, in his enthusiastic way demonstrated his Musicream system. This system is intended to help people explore very large music collections. The interface is quite novel. It has the Wow factor. Check out the video at Masataka's page: Musicream. Someone should probably mention to Masataka that 'musicream' may not be the best name for the American and UK audiences
- MusicMiner - The data bionics research group presented MusicMiner
- a browser for music based on data mining techniques. You can create
MusicMaps to visualize the similarity of songs and artists.
- Jean-Julien Aucouturier Demonstrated the Ringomatic A real-time musical agent that generates a drum-track by concantenating audio segments automatically extracted from pre-existing music files. It's Ringo Starr in a box. Jean-Juliean played his squeezbox while the Ringomatic machine accompanied him. Great Fun.