The speech team at Sun has used the JavaSound API quite a bit over the last few years. We use it quite extensively for sound output in FreeTTS, our speech synthesizer and for sound input in Sphinx-4, our speech recognizer. The JavaSound API has the unenviable task of providing a standard sound API that works in the same way across all operating systems, audio systems and sound cards. Not an easy task given the wide variety of sound resources available. Due to this complexity, there are subtle differences in JavaSound behavior across the different platforms. A Java sound program that works fine on one platform may work a bit different on another platform. For instance, recently Phil and Will spent some time chasing down a latency issue that only occurred on one of our target platforms.

One excellent resource for anyone working with JavaSound is the Java Sound Resources site. This site has numerous JavaSound examples, an extensive FAQ, and a number of tutorials to guide a developer in writing good JavaSound program. The site is put together by Florian Bomers and Matthias Pfisterer. Both of these guys have worked with or on the JavaSound API for years and years so they know what they are talking about. If you are doing anything with JavaSound, I strongly recommend this site.


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