This month I'm featuring photos of the various music information retrieval labs that are the brains behind music 2.0.  

This week features  CIRMMT - the Center for Interdisciplinary research in Music Media and Technology located at McGill University in Montreal Canada.

Ich has sent me this nice panoramic photo of the lab.  Click on it to see the full size (and very large!) version.  There are lots of nice things to see in this shot.  Everyone seems to have nice dual flat-screen displays, a mix of Apple and PC workstations, lots of natural light, people working together (except for poor Cory, all by himself in the corner).  It looks like a fun and productive space. 

This picture is of the working space - on my tour of CIRMMT last year, Ich showed me a whole lot more -  the CIRMMT web page describes the various CIRMMT labs:


  • Lab 1 (36 m2): Hemi-Anechoic Lab. Measurements, room acoustics, diffusion, instrument directivity, transducers spatialization, and room perception in listeners.
  • Lab 2 (36 m2): Critical Listening Lab. ITU standard room with multichannel and stereo audio, critical listening, evaluation, and technical ear training research.
  • Lab 3 (28 m2): Performance and Recording Lab. Recording of individual performers, motion capture measurements of respirology and performer movements, virtual reality applications.
  • Lab 4 (23 m2): Audiovisual Editing Lab. Preparation of test materials, PR and demo preparation, content for archiving, viewing/listening space.
  • Lab 5 (52 m2): Multimodal Shared Reality Lab. Audio, video, vibration capture and display and presentation, broadband, high-resolution network communication space, ultra-videoconferencing.
  • Lab 6 (23 m2): Perceptual Testing Lab. Experimentation on music and sound perception (will also double as an additional audio editing suite).
They have some very nice resources and facilities.

From the CIRMMT webpage: The CIRMMT community is interested in interdisciplinary research related to the creation of music in the composer's or performer's mind, the performance of music, its recording and/or transmission, and the reception of music by the listener. It is also interested in the ways in which vision, haptics and touch interact with music and sound.  CIRMMT seeks to develop innovative approaches to the scientific study of music media and technology, to promote the application of newer technologies in science and the creative arts, and to provide an advanced research training environment. 


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