Roger Dannenberg  (trumpeter, composer, computer scientist) forwards some images of his music lab at Carnegie-Mellon University.

Roger's lab is located in Wean Hall, the main home of the Carnegie Mellon Computer Science Department.  Roger says "the banana trees are a nice touch -- it was about 90 degrees today, and I think this is some kind of joke by the buildings and grounds people. They'll take the plants out in September. Obviously not a native species."

Here's Roger (altthough he says he usually works at a laptop elsewhere in the room).

Hyun Kim is working with Umpei Kurokawa over the summer on audio-to-midi
alignment features for Audacity.

Umut Semsekli is visiting from Turkey and working on accurate beat
estimation from foot-tapping as a component of my work on popular music

Roger says that he would like to have included Ning Hu, finishing her Ph.D. thesis while working at Google, and Wei You, finishing his Masters thesis while staying with family in Philadelphia.


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