"Liking is based on deep mathematical patterns"
In the video Music Intelligence: 2012, Malcolm Gladwell (Tipping Point, Blink), interviews Mike McCready, CEO of Platinum Blue. Platinum Blue is a company that has a "hit predictor" as well as a hybrid music recommender (using social and 'mathematical similarity').
I must admit that I've always been quite skeptical about hit predictors, and after watching this video I am even more skeptical. Here's an example that set my bullsh*t detector off.
First we see a visualization of a music space:
Then, Mike shows us the same music space with all of the non-hits removed, this leaves a plot that shows just the hit songs:
is rather amazing isn't it how well the hits cluster - and the
clusters have such nice sharp boundaries too. It's almost too good
to be true - no wait, it *is* too good to be true.
Platinum Blue
claims that their hit predictor is 80% to 85% accurate. That's
nothing, I can build a hit predictor that is 99.9% accurate. No
matter what song you give my hit predictor it says "not a hit". If
you run the 500,000 songs released last year through my hit predictor,
it will only get about 500 of them wrong (the ones that actually became
Listening to this interview makes my skin crawl - I
just don't buy it, and I'm rather disappointed with Malcom Gladwell just
accepting this without showing any skepticism.
Being proud of your software for predicting that Norah Jones album would be a hit is like being proud of looking out the window on a hot sunny day and predicting that the pool will be busy.
Any of these companies (another one is Music Intelligence Solutions) who claim to have come up with a system to mathematically generate hits has never been to a sweaty bar at 1:30 in the morning covered in somebody else's cigarette smoke just basking in the raw power of the music that is pouring out of the speakers.
Posted by Zac on June 01, 2007 at 08:37 AM EDT #
Posted by DrMusic on June 01, 2007 at 12:03 PM EDT #
Posted by on June 02, 2007 at 12:02 AM EDT #
Looking at the Platinum blue FAQ we see this question and answer:
Q: What is the accuracy of Music Xray™?
A: Most singles released by music labels sound and feel like hits but lack the optimal mathematical patterns. This is a main reason why the industry has less than a 20% success rate. Less than one in 5 songs that are released as singles and promoted iwth(sic) a significant budget actually reach the charts. By using Platinum Blue’s technology, hit rates can be increased to over 80% - four times the current industry rate - effectively providing a risk management capability that helps yeild(sic) significant improvement in return on investment.
But this doesn't tell us much either. The only thing I learn is that my song may lack the optimal mathematical patterns.
Posted by Paul on June 02, 2007 at 08:11 AM EDT #
Posted by Stephan on June 04, 2007 at 08:47 AM EDT #