Major Miner - music labeling game
Perhaps you remember the Google Image Labeler, a game where you try to guess what labels your partner will apply to an image. Michael Mandel, (when not dodging NYC bullets) has developed a similar game for music called MajorMiner. The goal of the
game is to label songs with
original, yet relevant words and
phrases that other players agree with.
Of course the game is just a thinly disguised method of collecting data about music. But it is fun, addicting, and the data helps the excellent music tech team at LabROSA.
I'm currently number 4 on the leader board. The neat thing is that your score can go up even when you are not playing as other players select tags that you've already applied.
game itself is well designed. I like especially like how the scoring
rules work. Once a label has been applied a couple of times, you can't
score any more points for that label. Without this rule, you could
just type 'rock' for each song without even listening and climb the
leader board. The game has a good, minimalistic web design - no
Ajax for Ajax sake. All in all, well done - and it will be
interesting to see what kind of data Michael collects, and
how the MajorMiner tags compare to tags that people apply at
Posted by mim on March 17, 2007 at 05:24 PM EDT #
Posted by David on March 19, 2007 at 02:21 PM EDT #