New features at

- Flash-based player - no need for a download and install to take advantage of streaming music - a bonus this means that streaming now works on Solaris machines. <w00t!>
- Concert notification - find out what concerts and events are happening in your area (or in your friends area).
- Free Downloads - 100,000 free tracks to download (I can hear the sound of thousands of MIR researchers pointing their wget script at even as I write this).
- taste-o-meter - very similar to iLike's
user-compatible rating system. Now when you browse a user at you get to see how well their music taste agrees with yours: also seems to have scattered little improvements throughout the site - more album art, better layouts, better integration of their social featurs (such as journals).
I did notice that the event system is a little buggy. I typed in 'Boston' for my city and I was offered a choice of Boston in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Indiana and Kentucky, but no Boston Massachusetts. When I put in Nashua NH, all was well, and I learned that Death Cab for Cutie will be in Boston tommorrow night and The Who will be in Boston on December 2. Pretty cool! is one of my favorite social music sites. It's good to see they are keeping things fresh.
Posted by Norman on November 01, 2006 at 03:16 PM EST #