Woohoo! Vim 6.3 has just been released . It is said to be the "most stable Vim release ever!". And for the emacs users out there who still remain in the dark, the text editor war is over, Vim won .

I originally learned vi way back in 1984, so I've had 20 years for vi commands to work their way into the lower portions of my brain. Now the vi commands are so ingrained that if someone asks me how to do something in 'vi' I can't tell them. I have to actually do it and watch what I do and then tell them. The downside of being so tied to an editor is that it makes it really hard to like one of them new-fangled IDEs like eclipse or netbeans. Try as I might, I always find that the editor and the usual reliance on the mouse (now lift your right hand off of the keyboard, move it 8 inches to the right, grab the mouse, carefully position the mouse pointer and triple click to select the line (compared to 'yy' in vi)) always drives me back to the comfortable home of vi. ah well... I guess I am just getting old.


As a vim lover myself, I'd be interested in how you've set up vim to work with Java programming. Care to share your secrets? My recent additions to my .vim/plugins directory have been winmanager.vim, quickhigh.vim, and taglist.vim -- they are wonderful.

Posted by Unknown on June 08, 2004 at 03:33 PM EDT #

"Over 7,500 readers visited the Linux Journal web site and voted on their top choices" one word: wow...

Posted by Unknown on June 08, 2004 at 10:15 PM EDT #

Try IDEA - you can do everything with the keyboard, and the keybindings are more useful & specific to java programming. Vi was also my favourite editor before IDEA came along.

Posted by Scott Farquhar on June 09, 2004 at 06:39 AM EDT #

VI plugin for eclipse: http://satokar.com/viplugin/index.php

Posted by Jano on June 09, 2004 at 09:04 AM EDT #

So much for the viPlugin in Eclipse. According to http://satokar.com/viplugin/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=3&MMN_position=3:3 "Starting with version 1.0.0 the viPlugin is licensed commercialy. Please use the link below to buy the viPlugin. You will receive the viPlugin within 2 business days via email. The price is 15 British Pounds"

Posted by Unknown on June 15, 2004 at 03:04 AM EDT #

Gvim is now may favorite Java IDE. Just add this line to the .vimrc file "makeprg=ant\ -emacs" Start gvim in the directory containing your ant build.xml file. From the gvim gui, open an error display screen by clicking tools->errorWindow->open. Now just click the 'make' button and watch the errors appear. Click on an error and gvim takes you the the offending line of the source code file. GREAT!

Posted by JR on July 21, 2004 at 09:59 AM EDT #

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