I'm getting ready to drive up to Montreal for a day at the Future of Music Summit It will be a great day hobnobbing with the players in the music business, listening to talks and panel sessions, and thinking about what are the next critical steps in getting to the celestial jukebox.   

One critical step on the journey to the celestial jukebox is the availability of high quality music metadata - all the data that surrounds the music - the artist information, the album information, album art, descriptions, bios, reviews - its all an important part of the music experience.  One of the best provider of this data is MusicBrainz.  MusicBrainz uses the opensource model for building up their music metadatabase.  Users contribute, moderate and review data.  The data is available via a web services API or you can just download the data and host your own database.  Most of the data is either given to the public domain (no rights reserved) or under a creative commons license.  It's really good data, and the MusicBrainz folks have done a good job of  organizing it and making it widely available.  That's why I was really glad to see this post by Mayhem  (aka Robert Kaye), the founder of MusicBrainz indicating that due to a generous donation by Matt Dunn of MusicIP, that he'd be able to attend the FOM summit.  Way to go Matt!  

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