For the past 3 years or so I've been a member of the JSR 113 Expert Group defining the next generation of the Java Speech API. The specification is now in public review. If you have an interest speech on the Java platform take a look at the specification and send your comments to [email protected]

Major Changes from JSAPI 1

  • Compatibility with JSAPI 1.0 maintained where possible and desirable.
  • Primarily aimed at J2ME, runs on J2SE as well.
  • Designed for CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0 and above.
  • All use of floating point has been removed.
  • No dependence on AWT.
  • Dictation has been removed, but can be added in the future.
  • Supports W3C SRGS recognition markup rather than JSGF.
  • Supports W3C SSML synthesis markup rather than JSML.
  • Event masks added to filter events.
  • Includes a full-fledged AudioManager compatible with JSR-135.
  • AudioSegment class introduced to contain audio data.
  • The Word class now supports specification of audio for use with recognition and synthesis.
  • Clearer delineation between engine implementations and instances.
  • Support for priorities.
  • Support for trusted vs. untrusted applications.
  • More complete support for "built-in" grammars.
  • Recognition result confidence added.
  • Support for Synthesizer focus

The public review period ends on April 23.


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