SanFran MusicTech Summit

Two weeks from today is the second SanFran MusicTech Summit. The summit is a convergence of musicians, technologists, business and legal folk that are in someway connected with the world of music. The event is organized by Brian Zisk, one of the founders of the Future of Music coalition. This summit is lining up to be even better than the last. Lots of really interesting panelists from companies such as Pandora, Apple, CD Baby, YouTube, SeeqPod, iMeem, Google, Rhapsody, Songza, Gracenote, and Sony, as well as some A-List bloggers including Mike Arringtion (Techcrunch), Pete Crashmore (Mashable), and Om Malick (GigaOm). (See the full speaker list)
I'm lucky enough to be on the agenda to give a short technology demo of Search Inside the Music and Project Aura. I just can't imagine a better-suited audience for this demo - I'm really looking forward to it.