So you've got a melody stuck in your head, but you can't think of the name of the song ... what do do?  You may want to try the MelodyHound.  With MelodyHound, if you can peck out a melody on a keyboard, whistle or sing a melody, or even just tap out its rhythm you can find the song.  The MelodyHound uses data from the Musipedia which gives it a search index of over 30,000 melodies.   I was able to search for 'ode to joy' by pecking the melody on the keyboard, and I was able to find 'happy birthday' as well as Clapton's 'Sunshine of your love' by tapping out the rhythm on my spacebar.  (Since I am currenty sitting in the Keene NH public library, I didn't try singing to my computer).  MelodyHound was developed by  Rainer Typke a well known MIR researcher (he also founded the aforementioned Musipedia). 

One would think that a website developed by an MIR academic would be rather staid (like this one), but this is not the case with MelodyHound.  The site shows a surprising amount of polish, with all sorts of AJAXy goodness, a clean and intuitive interface with lots of info in the search results.  All in all, a very well done site.  The best query-by-melody, and query-by-tapping site I've seen.  5 stars

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