SimilarTunes is a super simple companion app to iTunes - you type the name of an artist in your collection and SimilarTunes will give you a playlist of similar songs that you can then add to iTunes.  Unlike MusicIP or SoundFlavor, SimilarTunes doesn't perform any analysis of your music collection, instead it uses the web services of and MusicMobs to find similar artists that happen to be in your collection and displays songs by those artists.  The app is clean and simple to use - just type in the name of the artist - and you have a new playlist.

SimilarTunes was developed by Joris Kluivers, a Dutch computer science student living in Amsterdam.  Via Toby's Bookmarks


Hi Paul, Discovered your blog last week and have been really enjoying reading it. This seems like an interesting app and is very similar in concept to a project that I am working on at the moment ( Unfortunately this program doesn't make very useful playlists - with my collection it adds whole albums by artists that are similar to my seed track rather than picking the best songs. It is very interesting that they use the recs from as in my experience I have found them to be the most useful and current.

Posted by Bernie on November 28, 2006 at 11:54 AM EST #

It should be mentioned that this app is Mac only. I would be interested in playing with it if they release a Windows version.

Posted by Zac on November 30, 2006 at 02:41 PM EST #

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