Social Tags and MIR - a tutorial at ISMIR 2008
Social Tags are free text labels that are applied to items such as artists, playlists and songs. These tags have the potential to have a positive impact on music information retrieval research. In this tutorial we describe the state of the art in commercial and research social tagging systems for music. We explore some of the motivations for tagging. We describe the factors that affect the quantity and quality of collected tags. We present a toolkit that MIR researchers can use to harvest and process tags. We look at how tags are collected and used in current commercial and research systems. We explore some of the issues and problems that are encountered when using tags. We present current MIR-related research centered on social tags and suggest possible areas of exploration for future research.
I am really excited about working on this tutorial with Elias and JJ. One of the highlights of 2007 for me was presenting a tutorial on music recommendation with Oscar Celma. I learned so much about the subject matter while preparing the tutorial, and it was great fun to work with someone as smart as Oscar. I am really looking forward to repeating the experience.
I'm sure it will be lots of fun! :-)
Posted by elias on June 22, 2008 at 06:32 PM EDT #