An article at NewsForge: Speak to me, Linux is a quick survey of Linux desktop speech. It includes brief descriptions of the various recognizers (sphinx-[2,3,4]) and synthesizers (festival, flite and freetts) as well as some of the speech apps such as KTTS and Perlbox. The article concludes: The ease of using these speech engines and speech recognition systems could make Linux the preferred OS for the visually impaired. Hmmm ... I've never heard the terms 'ease of use' 'speech' and 'Linux' used together in one sentence before, interesting.


Hmmmm. Ease of use..... Festival..... Ease of use.... Festival....... Nope, still not clickin' for me. In fact, Festival is so confusing to setup and the docs are so bad I put on the next my own list of intructions for setting it up. Besides that, I don't know of any of these packages being non-portable. So what does Linux itself have to do with the picture?

Posted by benr on January 20, 2005 at 08:53 AM EST #

Benr - yep ... doesn't click for me either ... on top of that add the lack of any kind of open-source desktop speech API that allows one to swap in different engines and I think it will be a while before linux becomes a friendly world for speech apps.

Posted by Paul on January 20, 2005 at 09:55 AM EST #

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