Robert Brewer has just released the first version of SpeechLion - a small speech recognition application based on Sphinx-4 which provides the ability to control your desktop via speech.


Hello! Was @ javaforum in stockholm, then Simon pointed out this blog - that you sun-people have. I am into speech, coming in from the side, as a programmer, wanting to build a asr application for a desktop. disappointed to see that nothing has happened the last 5 years, what is the reson for this ? I am talking about JSAPI, and engines for more than english - do you have experience with sphinx, must I make my own model in Swedish to be able to deploy something and get value back ? keep on blogging, you seem to be the only one that has something to say about asr ... regards, i

Posted by Inki on December 08, 2005 at 10:14 AM EST #

Dictation is a good speech recognition tool!

Posted by speech recognition on August 23, 2006 at 09:30 PM EDT #

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