Follow the Gamers
A dozen years ago, when the gamers were playing Doom, a small company called 3dfx introduced a hardware accelerator for 3d graphics. As with sound there was not much that you could do with such a beast but play games like Quake. Again, the gaming experience with a 3D accelerator was much improved, the gamers bought them in droves. Now, every PC comes with a 3D accelerator. We are starting to see 3D graphics move out of the gaming world and onto the desktop. Witness Looking Glass, a 3D desktop (written in Java no less).
Now, we are starting to see the gamers toy with speech technology. One of the latest 3D shooters, Unreal Tournament 2004 uses speech recognition technology to allow the player to control their 'bot team mates. It relies on the Microsoft speech sdk (a free download).
Time will tell whether the gamers will find that speech enhances the gaming experience enough so that it becomes ubiquitous, but if it does, it may be the push that speech needs to get it accepted into the wider world of the desktop. Follow the gamers.