761441A7-6256-4151-B533-69879AD48AA9.jpg Nielsen SoundScan is reporting data about artists who have released songs on its "Guitar Hero" platform. Guitar Hero track sales rise by an average of 3X after the release on Guitar Hero. Some examples:
  • Guns N' Roses, "Welcome to the Jungle" released on "Guitar Hero III" Oct. 27, 2007: 38,000 downloads, up 153 percent
  • Smashing Pumpkins, "Cherub Rock" released on "Rock Band" on Nov. 20, 2007: 6,600 downloads, up 843 percent.
  • Nirvana, "In Bloom" released on "Rock Band," Nov. 20, 2007: 9,000 downloads, up 543 percent.
More data in the AP Release. Via PC World, Game On

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