Next month, a couple of students will arrive at Sun Labs to intern over the summer working on aspects of Project Aura and Search Inside the Music.  The interns always bring energy, new ideas, and new music to the labs.  It is a fun time for us old stodgy researchers and hopefully a fun time for the interns as well.  One of our summer interns, Will, has already been thinking quite a bit about issues around recommendation and has been writing about them in his blog.  Some good posts:

Back in February, when we were interviewing intern candidates (and there were many excellent candidates to chose from), my colleague Doug Eck (the brains behind the machine learning on Search Inside the Music) recommended one of his students for the internship.  During the hiring process, I mentioned to  Doug that the competition was pretty stiff - I pointed him to a couple of Will's posts as an example of the competition.  Well, ever the diligent professor, working hard to get his students the best opportunities, 20 minutes later, Doug sent me a link to his student's "blog".  Here's a screen capture (with bits obscured to protect the innocent).

Clearly a highly relevant and insightful blog, covering many fascinating topics.  A must read - immediately added to my set of RSS subscriptions.


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